In the 1900s, the Taranto family embarked on a journey from Filicudi and Alicudi, Italy, seeking new horizons in America. Settling in Brooklyn's Carroll Gardens, they worked tirelessly at the shipping docks, their dedication culminating in the Taranto Brothers Grocery in Upstate New York—a symbol of hope and community.

Years later, the great-grandson of Salvatore Angelo Taranto drew inspiration from the family's storied past, leading to the creation of the CS Instant Coffee brand.

CS Instant Coffee remains a proudly independent, family-owned business. Every decision, from sourcing to packaging, is made by us—no outside investors, no corporate influence.

Just a small, dedicated team continuing the Taranto legacy, driven by the same hard work and passion that began generations ago.

Our story is ours alone, and we're committed to keeping it that way.

Athlete Owned and Operated.

An old black & white film image of the co-owners' family outside of their namesake grocery store.